Billie S. LaConte is an Associate of J.Pollock Incorporated. She has been an energy advisor since 1995. Ms. LaConte has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mathematics from Boston University and a Masters in Business Administration from Washington University.
Upon graduation in May 1995, Ms. LaConte joined Drazen Consulting Group, Inc. (DCGI). DCGI was incorporated in 1995 assuming the utility rate and economic consulting activities of Drazen Associates, Inc., active since 1937. During her tenure at DCGI, she was a Senior Consultant. She joined J.Pollock in May 2015.
During her tenure at DCGI and J.Pollock, Inc. her work has focused on revenue requirement issues, cost of capital (return on equity and capital structure), cost allocation, rate design, sales and price forecasts, power cost forecasting, electric restructuring issues, and contract interpretation.
Ms. LaConte has been engaged in a wide range of consulting assignments, including energy and regulatory matters in both the United States and several Canadian provinces. She has advised clients on economic and strategic issues concerning the natural gas pipeline, oil pipeline, electric, wastewater and water utilities. She has prepared cost of capital analyses, revenue requirement, prepared revenue requirement analyses, and cost allocation and rate design studies to provide timely support to clients engaged in settlement negotiations in electric and gas utility proceedings, provided power cost forecasting studies to assist clients in project planning and negotiated contracts with electric utilities for standby services and interruptible rates. She has prepared studies on electric and gas utilities performance-based rate (PBR) and benchmarking programs to evaluate their success and to provide recommendations on methods to be used. Ms. LaConte has worked on contract interpretation to resolve contract disputes for several clients. She has provided financial and cost of service analysis for natural gas pipelines certificate approval from the Federal Energy and Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Canadian National Energy Board (NEB).
Ms. LaConte has worked on projects in various states and several Canadian provinces including Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. She has testified before the state regulatory commissions of Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas and the provincial regulatory boards of Alberta and Nova Scotia. She has also appeared before the the St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District Commission.
J.Pollock, Incorporated assists clients to procure and manage energy in both regulated and competitive markets.
J.Pollock clients include commercial, industrial, and institutional energy consumers. The J.Pollock team also advises clients on energy and regulatory issues.