Entrepreneurial Career Opportunity
Once in a lifetime, a door opens that changes the course of your future. That’s what happened to me when I began an apprenticeship in energy consulting. Now, I aim to mentor a young professional with the skill, talent and passion to succeed me.
I have been in energy consulting for nearly 50 years. As an entrepreneur, I am constantly learning new topics and skills to retain and grow our practice. The issues are both complex and evolving. Every day is different. Our biggest competitor is also our client. We are challenged to practice at the highest possible level, while maintaining our credibility and demonstrating how our fees yield significant dividends.
I look forward to personally speaking with you,
Jeffry Pollock, BS, MBA
President and Founder
J.Pollock, Incorporated
A brief job description:
J.Pollock, Incorporated is looking for a talented individual who brings energy, professional skepticism and commitment to a vibrant consulting practice. The work is varied and interesting. The ideal candidate will have undergraduate and graduate degrees – with significant exposure to engineering/science and statistics, economics, accounting or finance – and be an articulate communicator who can simplify complex technical issues. Prior experience in public utility regulation is desirable. J.Pollock offers a long-term career opportunity to be an equity partner, and eventual owner, beginning with a competitive salary, bonus, matching 401-K contributions, health care, dental and vision benefits.
About J.Pollock:
J.Pollock is independently owned. We work on behalf of our clients, not the utilities, energy suppliers and marketers. Our even-minded approach allows us to objectively evaluate each client’s energy needs and to develop and implement sound strategies.
We assist clients in procuring and managing energy in both regulated and competitive markets. The J.Pollock team also advises clients on energy and regulatory issues. J.Pollock’s clients include commercial, industrial, and institutional energy consumers. We are the lead regulatory advisor to the Alabama Industrial Energy Consumers, Georgia Association of Manufacturers, Florida Industrial Power Users Group, Texas Industrial Energy Consumers, Western Kansas Industrial Energy Consumers and the XCEL Large Industrials in Minnesota.
We are thoroughly familiar with electric and natural gas utilities, principles of utility regulation, and the role of tariffs and contracts in defining rates, terms and conditions applicable to consumers. Our professional staff has participated in numerous regulatory proceedings primarily on behalf of large energy consumers. We analyze a utility’s revenue requirements; review jurisdictional and class cost-of-service studies used to set rates, develop revenue allocations and rate designs consistent with cost causation and accepted practice; provide expert testimony; and participate in generic and rulemaking cases.
We also audit utility invoices; provide forecasts of electricity rates; conduct rate surveys and market analyses; assist clients in reviewing and negotiating contracts; identify opportunities to reduce utility cost; and support legislative coalitions to draft, review, and interpret energy legislation.
J.Pollock has invested in the analytical tools and resources essential to conducting in-depth research and providing accurate, timely information. These tools provide insights into regulatory decisions and precedents, utility financial and operating data, planning, fuel contracts, industry data and market information throughout North America.
In summary, J.Pollock is practiced, proactive and professional. We act on these three words to ensure our clients have the tools to make wise energy decisions.